I have just today returned home from our vacation in Barcelona. And I am that satisfied kind of exhausted that comes from a good trip, a long day of traveling, and the comfort of my home around me after staying in a very modern hotel.
I can't yet face the thought of dealing with all the photos that are on my camera's memory card right now. It must have been that 45 minutes waiting for our bags at the carousel with the team of young Spanish women softball players. They were a boisterous bunch.
I meant to post about a recent finished project before I left for Spain, but I was too busy. Our hotel did have wifi, but it was so weak I swear I could hear the ghost of my 1997 dial-up connection.
This is how it began. I had a small skein of Twisted Fiber Art Evolutions yarn (colorway is Lagoon), which has the colors in very long segments. I've seen a lot of triangular and semi-circular shawls knit with yarn like this, but I can't get excited about those. Plus,this skein was the Kabam yarn, which has bamboo. And I don't really like knitting with bamboo yarns and life is too short to knit with yarns that feel freaky on my fingers.
I thought it would look neat to do do both the warp and weft in the same yarn, so I'd have large sections of solid colors on the scarf. But I didn't have enough of the Lagoon for that, so I found a natural colored fingering weight wool and used that for the weft. I do have another, bigger skein of this stuff in a different colorway, so maybe I'll try my idea with that one.
It muted the colors considerably, but I still like the overall effect. I tried to weave more loosely than usual so that the weft (the crossways yarn) wouldn't bunch up and further obscure the colors of the warp. It was an interesting experiment and a great way to use up a skein of yarn that was too pretty to be neglected but that I didn't really want to knit.
Very pretty. I look forward to doing more weaving. I love knitting, but there's just something about the speed in which a woven project is completed... after the warping is done, anyway. I also look forward to the day when I'm more competent at dressing my loom. :-}
Posted by: KathyJo | August 06, 2011 at 04:18 PM